Assistant/Associate/Full/Chair Professor in Energy Engineering with an Emphasis on Renewable Energy

Southern University of Science and Technology

Job Overview

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The Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering (MEE: at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech: in Shenzhen, China is pleased to invite applications for tenure-track or tenured faculty positions at all ranks. The department is established with three main research directions: robotics and automation, innovative design and advanced manufacturing, and energy engineering. Successful applicants will have the opportunities to develop an innovative research program and collaborate with academic/industrial organizations worldwide. The department will consider all areas in the mechanical engineering discipline; however, a particular emphasis will be placed on Energy Engineering With an Emphasis on Renewable Energy.

SUSTech is a publically funded institution located in Shenzhen, next to Hong Kong. Since its inception, SUSTech’s mission has been to reform higher education in China and become a world-class institution with a strong emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship. Due to its location, SUSTech is exposed to the some of the leading high-tech and manufacturing industries in China and is part of Shenzhen’s plan to create a world-class economic and innovation center. Shenzhen is the top four most prosperous cities in China and has been consistently referred to as the leader in technological developments.

Candidates must hold a doctoral degree and strong research and teaching credentials. Successful candidates will be expected to establish independent research programs in line with the aforementioned research directions; Interdisciplinary research programs that can bridge the gap between traditional mechanical engineering areas with other STEM(Science,Technology,Engineering,Mathematics) fields will be encouraged. To establish an international standard, candidates will be encouraged to participate in international communities and to establish transnational research collaborations. Senior candidates are expected to play leadership roles in research and education. Globally competitive salaries and start-up packages will be provided.

Application Instructions:

Those who are interested are invited to apply through the website (please click the above ‘Apply’ button to access), or submit the following information electronically to  1) Curriculum Vitae (with a complete list of publications); 2) Statement of research interests; 3) Statement of teaching philosophy; 4) Selected reprints of three recent papers; and 5) Names and contact information of five references. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled.

Application Process

To apply to join our team, please click the apply link below and provide the following documents:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • PhD certificate
  • Five published articles (Within the last five years)
  • Executive summary of academic achievements & proposed research or work plan (1000 words)
  • Letter of recommendation and the names and email addresses of 3 referees (university professors)


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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 119 Jobs
  • Location Shenzhen
  • Full Address 1088 Xueyuan Avenue, Shenzhen University Town, Shenzhen
  • Website