Assistant/Associate/Full/Chair Professor in Space Physics

Southern University of Science and Technology

Job Overview

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The department of Earth and Space Sciences(ESS) at Southern University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTech) invites applications for tenure-track (or tenured) faculty positions at the ranks of Assistant, Associate, and Full Professors.  Applicants must have earned a doctoral degree in Geophysics,Structure Geology,Geodesy,Space Physics,Planetary Science or closely related fields. Successful applicants will be expected to establish a robust, externally funded research program and demonstrate strong commitment to undergraduate and graduate teaching, student mentoring, and professional services.  These positions will remain open until filled. For more other information about ESS, please go to the webside

SUSTech is a public university founded in Shenzhen, China.  It is intended to be a top-tier international university that excels in interdisciplinary research, nurturing innovative talents and delivering new knowledge to the world. SUSTech was born in 2011 with a mission to reform higher education in China. Since then, it has been widely regarded as a pioneer and innovator in collectively moving China’s higher education forward to match China’s ever-growing role in the international arena. Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship are the three pillars for SUSTech to stand out with distinctive Characteristics.

To apply, please submit an e-mail application that includes a cover letter, a CV with a full list of publications, a research statement, a teaching statement and contact information for three references to Prof. Xiaofei Chen at  [email protected] or [email protected].


Application Process

To apply to join our team, please click the apply link below and provide the following documents:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • PhD certificate
  • Five published articles (Within the last five years)
  • Executive summary of academic achievements & proposed research or work plan (1000 words)
  • Letter of recommendation and the names and email addresses of 3 referees (university professors)


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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 119 Jobs
  • Location Shenzhen
  • Full Address 1088 Xueyuan Avenue, Shenzhen University Town, Shenzhen
  • Website