Director and Research Scientist for the Institute for Marine Drugs and Nutrition

Guangdong Ocean University

Job Overview

  • Apply by March 31st, 2022

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About the Job

The research institute was built up in 2014 by several international famous scientists. The university campuses are located in beautiful Zhanjiang and Shenzhen cities beside the South Sea. There are 12 PIs, in which 6 scientists were trained in western countries. With world-wide collaborations, our mission is to become an internationally leading institute in the research and development of marine medicines and nutrition for human diseases, especially for brain health and diseases. Currently, three sections, including marine natural chemistry, pharmacology and ocean bio-resource, are equipped with modern labs.

If you are an expert in related areas, please apply. The candidate should have PhD/MD degrees in the above mentioned fields, published papers in important international journals and have experiences in grant applications and updated research skills. Abilities of communication and writing in Chinese are requested. The salary, housing and other benefits depend on the experiences and achievements.

Please send your cover letter, CV and names of three references to Dr. Cai Song (ca******@da*.ca) before March 31st, 2022.

* Please mention when submitting your application.

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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 1 Jobs
  • Location Guangdong Province
  • Full Address Guangdong Ocean University, Mazhang District, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, China
  • Website