
Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade

Job Overview

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1. 1.1学期あたり256コマ以上の授業を行い、1コマは45分とする。
2. 2. 日本語コーナーを週2コマ担当
3. 3. 契約期間:実際の授業開始日に準ずる。契約期間は1年です。



1. 博士号取得者優遇。
2. 教育学専攻が望ましい。
3. 大学での教育経験があることが望ましい。
4. 60歳未満であること。
5. 5.中国の法令を尊重し、遵守できる方。



1. 年俸制。応相談。
2. 食事:教師用食堂での食事は無料。
3. アパート:家具、テレビ、寝室のエアコン、電話、暖房付きバスルーム、洗濯機、キッチンの冷蔵庫などを備えた無料の個室アパート。電気(200KWH/月)、水道(8トン/月)、インターネットは無料で利用可能。
4. 航空運賃:契約成立時に、国際線エコノミークラス片道航空券を4,000元を限度に払い戻し。
5. 休暇:11日間の中国祝祭日といくつかの重要な伝統的な祭りの祭りのボーナスを全額支給。
6. 保険:健康保険と傷害保険。



都市について – 福州

福州は、中国南東部の海岸に位置する福建省の省都です。古くから沿岸部の港湾や造船の中心地として栄え、香港と上海の間に位置する沿岸部の主要都市です。台湾と多くの民族・言語的なつながりを持つ省の中心都市として、福州は両岸の投資の恩恵を受け、今日では主要な商業・製造業の中心地となっています。 無料版のDeepL翻訳(www.DeepL.com/Translator)で翻訳しました。


Japanese Teacher Recruitment

Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade is (website) a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education. It is the sponsor unit and vice-chairman unit of non-profit private universities, standing vice chairman unit of Higher Education Committee of China Association for Non-Government Education, and a master’s degree joint training unit. The school was founded in 2004 as Fuzhou College of Foreign Studies and Trade, and approved by the Ministry of Education in 2011 to be a regular full-time undergraduate university. In 2018, it passed the teaching quality evaluation on full-time undergraduate universities by Ministry of Education. The Monitoring Report on the Development Potential of Colleges and Universities in Fujian Province in 2018 which was released by Fujian Provincial Education Evaluation and Research Center, points out that the development potential of our school in 2017 ranked first among private undergraduate colleges and universities in Fujian Province and some of its aspects, such as resources integration, personnel training, scientific research, social services, comprehensive reputation and others ranked first among private universities.

Situated in Changle District which is known as a coastal birthplace for famous people and literature, a gateway to Fujian Province’s capital city Fuzhou, the university covers an area of about 1300 mu, including about370,000square meters for buildings. It has teaching and scientific research instruments worth about RMB 110 million yuan, a total library collection of around 3 million printed books and electronic documents, more than 100 laboratories and 200 training bases.

The university has established a pattern of coordinated development in literature, economics, management, arts, engineering and teaching, and it has two provincial key specialties: Foreign Language and Literature and Business Administration. At present, it has7 secondary teaching units, including School of Foreign Languages, School of Finance and Economics, School of Economic Management, School of Science and Technology, School of Art and Design, Public Teaching Department and School of Marxism, as well as School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Currently, it has more than 16,700 full-time undergraduates. Read More


Japanese Lecturer Tasks:

1. No less than 256 teaching periods per semester, with each period lasting for 45 minutes.
2. 2 teaching periods’ Japanese corner per week.
3. Contract period: in accordance with the actual commencement day. And the contract term lasts for 1 year.


Job Qualifications for Foreign Japanese Teachers:

1. PhD degree preferred.
2. Education major is preferred.
3. University’s teaching experience is preferred.
4. Less than 60 years old.
5. Can respect and observe Chinese laws and regulations.


Remuneration and Benefits:

1. Annual Salary: Negotiable.
2. Meals: free meals at the teachers’ canteen.
3. Apartment: free private apartment with furniture, TV, air-conditioning in the bedroom, telephone, bathroom with heater, washing machine and refrigerator in the kitchen etc., with free electricity (200 KWH per month), water (8 tons per month) and Internet access.
4. Airfare: reimbursement of international one-way economic-class ticket upon the contract fulfillment up to 4,000 RMB.
5. Holiday: full paid 11 days Chinese public holidays and festival bonus on some important traditional festivals.
6. Insurance: health and accident insurance.

Campus Life @ Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade
Location: 28 Yuhuan Rd., Fuzhou, Fujian Province


About The City – Fuzhou

Fuzhou is the capital city of Fujian Province, located on China’s southeastern coast. With a long tradition as a coastal port and shipbuilding center, Fuzhou is the major coastal city between Hong Kong and Shanghai. As the central city of a province with many ethnic and linguistic links to Taiwan, Fuzhou has benefited from cross-strait investment and is today a major commercial and manufacturing center.

City Website City Panorama


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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 6 Jobs
  • Location Fuzhou
  • Full Address China, Fujian, Fuzhou, 长乐首占新区育环路福州外语外贸学院
  • Website www.fzfu.com