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- Qualification PhD
- Discipline Language, Writing & Culture, Science & Engineering, Finance, Management, Economics and Business, Art, Law, Political Science, Education, Literature, Medical & Health Science
- Majors Wanted All Majors Welcome
ZJU invites applications for postdoctoral research fellows.
For application please provide a detailed resume, certificates of academic degrees, innovative research achievements and samples of major publications. These documents may be sent by email to the contact person of corresponding colleges (departments) listed below.
School of Humanities
Contact: Mr. Xia (Tel: +86-571-88273092; E-mail: [email protected])
Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Pre-Qin-Han-Wei-Jin-6-Dynasties Chinese Literature, Tang and Song Dynasties Chinese Literature, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties Chinese Literature, Ancient Chinese Language, Modern Chinese Language, World History (Ancient Medieval History, Modern History), Modern and Contemporary Chinese History, History of Song Dynasty, Classical Philosophy, German and France Phenomenology, Modern Western Political Philosophy, Western Religious Study, Philosophy of Science, Analytic Philosophy, Song and Ming Dynasties Chinese Philosophy, Painting Study, Design Study, Archeology and Ancient Anthropology, Museology and Image Processing, Art History and Art Archeology, History of Cultural Heritage and Material Civilization, Korean Studies, Pre-Qin Documents, Mid-Ancient Language Documents, Dunhuang Studies, Nippon Culture Studies.
School of International Studies
Contact: Ms. Zhang (Tel: +86-571-88206176; E-mail: [email protected])
Second Language Acquisition, Pragmatics, Language Testing, Studies of Chinese as a Second Language, British & American Literature, Medieval English, Renaissance Literature
Theoretical Linguistics, Intercultural Communication, French Language and Literature, German Language and Literature, Japanese Language and Literature, Russian Language and Literature.
College of Media and International Culture
Contact: Ms. Bao (Tel: +86-571-88273485; E-mail: [email protected])
Communication, Journalism & Communication, Film Studies, Aesthetics, Cultural critique, Linguistics, Teaching Chinese as a Second Language.
School of Economics
Contact: Mr. Huang (Tel: +86-571-87951610; E-mail: [email protected])
Finance, New Institutional Economics, Industrial Economics, International Economics (International Trade or International Investment), Public Finance, Public Economics.
Guanghua Law School
Contact: Ms. Feng (Tel: +86-571-86592725; E-mail: [email protected])
Civil & Commercial law, Constitutional& Administrative law, Legal Theory, Criminal Law, Economic Law, Procedural Law, International Law, Legal History, Intellectual Property Law (including Intellectual Property Management), Environmental& Resources law, Science & Technology Law.
College of Education
Contact: Ms. Zhou (Tel: +86-571-88273140; E-mail: [email protected])
Education Management, History of Education (History of Ancient Education, History of Foreign Education), Educational Technology, Educational Psychology, Education Policy, Comparative Education, Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training, Athletic Training, Traditional and Ethnic Sport, Human Kinesiology, Tennis, Wushu, Basketball, Higher Education, Educational Technology Research & Development (ETR&D), Military Theory.
School of Marxism
Contact: Ms. Chen (Tel: +86-571-88273325; E-mail: [email protected])
The Fundamental Principles of Marxism, Thinking and Moral Edification and Basics of Law, The Outline of Modern and Contemporary History of China, The Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics, International Politics.
School of Management
Contact: Ms. Li (Tel: +86-571-88206858; E-mail: [email protected])
Tourism Management, Tourism Planning, Hospitality Management, Leisure Management, Human Resource Management and Entrepreneurship, Organization and Strategy, Marketing, Decision-making Analysis and Operation Management, Corporate Finance and Capital Market, Accounting, Financing, Auditing, Information Management and Electronic Commerce, High-tech Entrepreneurship and Behavioral Decision, Technological Innovation Management, Operation Management.
School of Public Affairs
Contact: Ms. Xu (Tel: +86-571-56662071; E-mail: [email protected])
International Politics, International Relation Theory, History of Chinese Politic Thinking, Political Theory, Local Politics and Governance, Information Resource Management, Land Use and Environment Policy, Real Estate Management, Irrigation and Water Conservancy, Measurement, Urban Housing Policy, Urban Community Management , Local Governance and Innovation, Social Policy, Social Security, Labor Economics, Sociology, Urban Sociology, Anthropology/Folklore.
School of Mathematical Sciences
Contact: Ms. Wu / Ms. Chen (Tel: +86-571-87951428/87953947; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected])
Applied Mathematics, Operational Research and Cybernetics, Pure Mathematics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics.
Department of Physics
Contact: Ms. Wu / Ms. Deng (Tel: +86-571-87951428/87953118; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected])
Plasma Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Theoretical Physics, Quantum Optics, Cold Atom Physics, Laser Physics, Optical Beam Propagation.
Department of Chemistry
Contact: Ms. Wu / Ms. Dong (Tel: +86-571-87951428/87951895; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected])
Organic Synthetic Chemistry, Calculational Chemistry, Molecular Spectra, New High-tech Materials Chemistry, Chemical Biology.
School of Earth Sciences
Contact: Ms. Wu / Ms. Fang (Tel: +86-571-87951428/87952453; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected])Structural Geology, Geophysics, Bio-geochemistry and Environmental Geochemistry, Organic Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology, Paleontology, Physical Geography, Human Geography, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information System, Atmospheric Sciences.
Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Contact: Ms. Wu / Ms. Qin (Tel: +86-571-87951428/88273794; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected])
Basic Psychology, Engineering Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Clinical Psychology, Developmental and Educational Psychology.
School of Mechanical Engineering
Contact: Ms. Sheng (Tel: +86-571-87951181; E-mail: [email protected])
Mechatronic Engineering( Electrohydraulic Control, Electronic-Air-Operated Controller, Hydraulics, Signal Processing and Computer Simulation, Integrated and Intelligent Electromechanical System), Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation( Aircraft Digital Assembly Technology and System, Aircraft Composite Components Forming Technology, Micro-nano Manufacture for New Energy, Computer Control Technology, Precision Engineering and MEMS),Mechanical Design and Theory (including Innovative Design, Digital Design of Product, Mechanism Theory, Product Lifecycle Management, Micromechanics, Engineering Computer Graphics, Robotics, Electro-Mechanical System Design, Tribology and so on), Industrial Engineering( Lean Manufacturing and Process Management, Human Factors Engineering, Production and Operations Management, Manufacturing Service, Quality Engineering, Logistics Engineering, Knowledge Engineering, Manufacturing Information Engineering).
School of Materials Science and Engineering
Contact: Ms. Wang (Tel: +86-571-87952293; E-mail: [email protected])
Materials Physics and Chemistry, Materials Science, Materials Engineering.
College of Energy Engineering
Contact: Mr. Wang (Tel: +86-571-87951325; E-mail: [email protected])
Power Machinery and Engineering, Vehicular Engineering, Engineering Thermo Physics, Thermal Power Engineering, Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering, Energy and Environmental System Engineering, Fluid Machinery and Engineering.
College of Electrical Engineering
Contact: Ms. Xu / Ms Liu (Tel: +86-571-87951538; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected])
Electrical Drive and Special Motor, Usage of Regeneration Energy, Motor and Electrical Equipment, Power System and Automation, Advanced Control Theory, Intelligent Robot and Sensing Technology, Rail Transit and train Control, Advanced Energy Saving Technique, Power Electronics, Circuit and System, Electrical Theory and Technique.
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Contact: Mr. Chen (Tel: +86-571-88208677; E-mail: [email protected])
Offshore Structural Engineering, Structural Reliability and Seismic Resistance, Concrete Composite Structure, Concrete Micromechanics, Structural Wind and Seismic Engineering, Spatial Structure, Smart Structure, Structure Control, Underground Engineering, Geotechnical Calculation and Analysis, Geotechnical Centrifuge, Ocean Geotechnical Engineering, Technology of Drinking Water Safety Protection, Water Pollution Control and Governance, Engineering Management, Rail Traffic, Road & Railway, Traffic Information and Control, Disaster Prevention Engineering ,Engineering Geological Disaster Prevention, Coastal & Offshore Geotechnics, Energy Efficient Building or Architectural Physics, Architecture Design, Urban Designing, Architecture Optics, Urban Planning and Design, Urban Traffic Planning and Design, Information Technology of Urban Planning, Hydraulic Structure Engineering, Hydraulics and River Dynamics, Remote Sensing and Information Technology, Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Water Resources Management and Utilization, Harbor, Coast and Offshore Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Physical Oceanography.
College of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Contact: Ms. Wang (Tel: +86-571-87951237; E-mail: [email protected])
Chemical Engineering, Chemical Technology, Applied Chemistry, Industrial Catalysis, Chemical Process Information Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Industrial Ecology and Environment, Process Safety and Equipment, Chemical Process Machinery.
School of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Contact: Mr.Pan (Tel: +86-571-87952897; E-mail: [email protected])
Solid Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics and Control, Fluid Mechanics, Flight Vehicle Design, Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering, Navigation, Guidance and Control, Aerospace Information Technology.
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Contact: Mr. Wang / Ms. Lian (Tel: +86-571-87951308; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected])
Polymer Chemistry, Polymer Physics, Biomedical Polymer, Bioelectronics, Bionanotechnology or Functional Polymers for Separation Membranes, Polymer Materials.
Ocean College
Contact: Ms. Liu (Tel: +86-580-2092529; E-mail: [email protected])
Physical Oceanography, Fluid Mechanics/Fluid Dynamics, Marine Remote Sensing, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Marine Chemistry, Ocean Environment, Marine Biology, Ocean Engineering, Ocean Resource Exploration, Ship Building, Underwater Vehicle, Underwater Technology/Subsea Technology, Underwater Acoustics, Mechatronic Engineering, Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Hydraulics and River Dynamics.
College of Optical Science and Engineering
Contact: Mr. Zhu (Tel: +86-571-87953023; E-mail: [email protected])
Optoelectronic Display, Micro/nano Optical Thin Film Technology and Component, Optical Engineering (Three-dimensional Active Imaging, Micro-nano-scale Measurement Technology, Optical Design), Micro-nanophotonics, Nonlinear Laser Optics, Solar Cells, Optical Communication Systems, Quantum Optics.
College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering
Contact: Ms. Wang (Tel: +86-571-87951555; E-mail: [email protected])
Wireless Communications and Networking, Digital Audio Video Technology, Digital Television and SOC Design, Machine Vision and Intelligent Information Processing, Intelligent Information Processing and Chip Design, Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing and Communication, Microelectronics and Nan electronics(Microelectronics, Optoelectronics, Microsystems), Electronic Circuit and System, Micro Nano Electronics, Plasma Optical, RF CMOS Chip, Millimeter Wave Technology and Photon Technology.
College of Control Science and Engineering
Contact: Ms. Zhu (Tel: +86-571-87951135; E-mail: [email protected])
Batch Process Control, Advanced Control Theory and Optimization Technique for Green Process System, Performance Evaluation and Fault detection for Control System, Mobile Sensor Network Based Coordination, Tracking and Control, Autonomous Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Intelligent Transportation Control, “Green High-Tech for Control System with Critical Equipment, Control Theory and Methods Oriented to Micro-scale Processes, New Research Branches for Measurement Technology and Automation Equipment, Control and System Optimization Theory, Robotics, Analytical Instruments and Biosensor.
College of Computer Science and Technology
Contact: Mr. Chen (Tel: +86-571-87952886; E-mail: [email protected])
AI Theory, Large-scale Cross-media Processing, Digital Media Technology, CAD and Innovative Design, Embedded Software, Database, Information Retrieval and Data Mining, Software Engineering, Theory of Computation, Game Theory and Algorithms, Computational Biology, Combinatorial Optimization, Parallel Computing, Computational Geometry, Computer Security, Information Assurance, Computer Systems, High-performance Computation, Visualization, Bioinformatics, Computer Graphics, Virtual reality, Industrial Design, Ergonomics, Digital Art and Design.
College of Biomedical Engineering and Instrument Science
Contact: Ms. Chen (Tel: +86-571-87951249; E-mail: [email protected])
Biomedical Engineering( Biomedical Imaging, Image & Signal Processing, Biomedical Sensor & Instrumentation, Neuroengineering& Rehabilitation Engineering, Biomedical Informatics & Healthcare IT, Modeling & Simulating of Physiological Systems, Other BME related), Electronic Information Technologies & Instrumentation( Embedded system, Network Multimedia System, Digital Instrument System, Signal Processing & Image Processing, High Speed System & Embedded computing).
College of Life Sciences
Contact: Ms. Ding (Tel: +86-571-88206483; E-mail: [email protected])
Botany, Plant Physiology, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Ecology, Cell Biology.
School of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science
Contact: Ms. Zhai (Tel: +86-571-88982559; E-mail: [email protected])
Digital Agriculture and 3S Technology, Agricultural Water Conservancy, Water Pollution Control and Treatment, Aqua Cultural Engineering, Environmental Engineering of Livestock and Poultry Breeding, Intelligent Agricultural Equipment, Food Science, Food Biotechnology, Food Post-harvest Technology, Food Nutrition.
College of Environmental and Resource Sciences
Contact: Ms. Wu (Tel: +86-571-88982963; E-mail: [email protected])
Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Biotechnology, Wastes Bio-treatment and Reclamation, Environmental Toxicology, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Physics, Environmental Programming, Environmental Chemistry and Remediation, Water Pollution Control Engineering, Solid Waste Treatment and Reclamation Technology, Environmental Planning and Information Technology, Environmental Engineering (Air Pollution Control and Treatment, Water Pollution Control), Soil Chemistry and Environment, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Soil Physics and Agricultural Water-Fertilizer Management, Soil Geography and Land Resources Utilization, Soil Pollution and Remediation, Environmental Quality and Agricultural Products Safety, Utilization and Management of Natural Resources, Plant Nutrition and Environmental Ecology, Plant Nutrition Physiology and Molecular Biology, Waste Reclamation, Nutrient Resources Integrated Management, Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System, Water and Wastewater Engineering, Biotechnology, Molecular Ecology.
College of Agriculture and Biotechnology
Contact: Ms. Ma (Tel: +86-571-88982537; E-mail: [email protected])
Molecular Plant Pathology, Plant Bacteriology, Plant Disease Etiology, Radiation Biology, Structure Biology, Environmental Chemistry, Radiochemistry, Landscape Plant and Ornamental Horticulture, Landscape Architecture Planning and Design, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Insect Systematic and Evolutionary Biology, Insect-resistant Transgenic Plant Breeding and Safety Evaluation, Plant Genomics and Gene Engineering, Bioinformatics and Quantitative Genetics, Crop Genetic and Breeding, Pesticide Ecotoxicology, Vegetable Biology, Pomology, Biotechnology and Utilization of Tea Resources, Tea Production Safety.
College of Animal Science
Contact: Ms. Chen (Tel: +86-571-88982603; E-mail: [email protected])
Animal Pathogen, Animal Immunology, Veterinary Pharmacology, Pathology and Toxicology, Aquaculture, Ecological Modeling, Germplasm Resources and Breeding, Mulberry Germplasm Resources and Molecular Biology, Insect Molecular Biotechnology, Genomics of Infected Silkworm Animal Genetics, Marine Biology, Veterinary Internal Medicine, Veterinary Surgery, Theriogenology, Chinese Veterinarian, Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction Science, Animal Nutrition and Feed Science.
School of Medicine (School of Basic Medical Science)
Contact: Ms. Wang / Mr. Ye (Tel: +86-571-88208029/88208093; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected])
Molecular Immunology, Medical Virology, Medical Parasitology, Medical Bacteriol, Human Anatomy-Neurobiology, Molecular Tumor Pathology, Molecular Cell Biology (such as Cytoskeleton/Polarity/Motility/Migration of Molecular Regulation/Extracellular Matrix), Genetically Modified Animal Models of Human Diseases.
School of Medicine (School of Public Health)
Contact: Ms. Wang / Ms. Meng (Tel: +86-571-88208029/88981319; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected])
Psychology of Stress, Developmental Psychology and Aging, Epidemiology, Cognitive Psychology and Relevant Therapy, Pathogenesis of Cardiovascular Diseases, Clinical Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, Health Policy and Management, Nutrition, Food Hygiene, Public Health Emergency, Experimental Central Technology and Management, Computer and Network Management, Demography, International Health.
College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Contact: Ms. Yu (Tel: +86-571-88208416; E-mail: [email protected])
Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology(Neuro pharmacology, Tumor Pharmacology), Regulation of Stem Cell Differentiation, Drug Toxicology, Cardio-Cerebral Vascular and Hepatic Pharmacology, Drug Regulation in Stem Cell Differentiation and Regenerative Medicine, Genetically Engineered Drug, Traditional Chinese Pharmacology (Traditional Chinese Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Quality Control of the Chinese Traditional Medicine), Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Drug Analysis and Drug Metabolism, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Chemo metrics.
Life Sciences Institute
Contact: Ms. Liu (Tel: +86-571-88981373; E-mail: [email protected])
Cancer Staging, Stem Cell and Developmental Biology, Systems Biology, Chemicobiology, Structural Biology and other related frontiers fields.
Institute of Translational Medicine
Contact: Mr. Chen (Tel: +86-571-88981576; E-mail: [email protected])
Oncology, Stem Cell and Developmental Biology, Biomaterials, Oral Medicine, Molecular Immunology and Immunotherapy, Biomedical Engineering, Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Neuropsychiatric Disorder, Gastrointestinal Cancer, Cardiopulmonary Disease, Renal Disease, Endoscopic Techniques, Visual reconstruction, Reproductive Health and other related frontiers fields.