Post-Doc Fellows of the Masters Gathering Program at the Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University

Zhejiang University

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Masters Gathering Program

Masters Gathering Program refers to Overseas Academic Masters Gathering Program – Scientists’ Joint Lab based on the International Institute of Smart Structure Systems and Informatics (ISSSI) – for Resilient Civil Infrastructure which is a key international cooperation and exchange program of Zhejiang university. It provides a platform for academic cooperation and exchange with the world’s top academic masters to train outstanding young scholars. At present, the program leads by two foreign academicians, and composed of four research teams, including more than ten overseas key academic masters and internal experts of the college. We are seeking motivated persons to join us, to work on research subjects of the program.

Available Position 1:


Chung Bang Yun: member of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology and member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea. He is currently a full-time chair professor in the College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University and director of the Masters Gathering Program. He was professor emeritus of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST). He was president of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea (2005-2007), the founder and the first president of the Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST) (2003-2005) and President of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea (2002-2004).

Personal Homepage:

Research areas:

  1. Intelligent Civil Infrastructure: smart sensors, structural health monitoring, condition assessment, structural control, and AI.
  2. Resilience of Civil Infrastructure: assessment, enhancement, and management of safety, reliability, and resilience for civil infrastructure


  1. PhD in Civil, Architectural, Mechanical, or Computer Engineering/Science
  2. Good English skill in speaking and writing.
  3. Contact information:

Please send application materials to the following email address: yc*@zj*.cnwith the subject of “Name + application for research fellow” and the details of application materials can be found towards the end.

Available Position 2:


Jung-June Roger Cheng: member of Canadian Academy of Engineering and currently a full-time chair professor in the College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang Universityand director of the Masters Gathering Program. He was appointed to the C.W. Carry Chair in Steel Structures in 1997. From 2002 to 2017, he served as the Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. During his tenure, he established the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alberta as the largest and highest-level research unit in Canada. He is the founding President and former Executive Secretary of the International Society of Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructures (ISHMII).

Personal Homepage:

Research areas:

  • High strength steel structures and underground energy steel pipelines.
  • Assessment and structural health monitoring of innovative structural systems.


  • PhD degree
  • Good English skill in speaking and writing.
  • Contact information:

Please send application materials to the following email address: jj******@zj*.cnwith the subject of “Name + application for research fellow” and the details of application materials can be found towards the end.

Available Position 3:


Jiangpeng Shu: ‘Hundred Talent’ (Young) Professor at Zhejiang University. He obtained Ph.D. from Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) in Structural Engineering. Before, joint Zhejiang University, he has been working as an Assistant Professor at University of Southern Denmark and Visiting Professor at Stanford University. He also has postdoc experience at NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, visiting researcher at EPFL École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne and Politecnico di Milano. His research interest is structural engineering and bridge engineering, structural informatics, application of imagery and artificial intelligence on structural assessment, structural health monitoring (SHM) as well as the integrated assessment of existing structures and infrastructures under normal and extreme loading conditions (e.g. fire and explosion).

Personal Homepage:

Research areas

  • The application of photogrammetric, laser scanning and deep learning method in structural health monitoring and inspection.
  • Concrete structures and composite structures, experiment and numerical modelling
  • Industrialized construction techniques (e.g. robot automation) in concrete structures


A postdoctoral research fellowship is a qualification position in which the main objective is a qualification for work in academic positions. The prospective candidate is expected to have background in one of the following areas:

  • Structural engineering, concrete structures and composite structures
  • Building information modelling; information technologies for construction, structural; and intelligent automation of construction.
  • Computer Science and Information Technology: basic programming skills in functional and/or object oriented languages, preferably in Python, C++, signal/image processing, computer vision; robotics.

Contact information:

Please send application materials to the following email address: jp****@zj*.cnwith the subject of “Name + application for research fellow” and the details of application materials can be found towards the end.

Available Position 4:


Yiqiang Xiang: Prof. Xiang has been engaged in design, teaching and related scientific research works of bridge and Structure engineering from 1982. Research interests involved in SHM, whole life design analysis theory, steel-concrete composite bridges (structures), accelerated bridge construction technology and risk control of bridge engineering, the inspection, evaluation and reinforcement of bridges, submerged floating tunnel, etc. Prof. Xiang has held and finished three NSFC Grants (No.51279178, No.51178416, No.51541810), two international cooperation projects and more than 10 scientific plan projects from local governments. He had published more than 200 academic papers in important Chinese Journal and international academic journals

Personal Homepage:

Research areas:

Design and analysis theory, hydrodynamic behavior of Submerged Floating Tunnel, intelligent health monitoring and control system of underwater structures.


  • Published two papers indexed in SCI or one SCI+ one EI paper;
  • Good English writing and oral communication skills or international cooperation and exchange experience;
  • there are the experiences of hydrodynamic behavior analysis in fluid-structure coupling or structural performance analysis of ocean bridges, who is familiar with CFD, ABAQUS, MATLAB etc. commonly used software is preferred;

Contact information:

Please send application materials to the following email address: xi******@zj*.cnwith the subject of “Name + application for research fellow” and the details of application materials can be found towards the end.

Available Position 5:


Giorgio Monti: graduated in Civil Engineering in 1986 from the University of Roma La Sapienza, then he has obtained a Master of Science at the University of California at Berkeley in 1993, and a Ph.D. at the University of Roma La Sapienza in 1994 in Structural Engineering. At Sapienza University he is the Director of the Master Course on “Advanced Structural Design according to Eurocodes”. He has so far produced more than 350 publications in his scientific career, of which more than 90 in peer-reviewed international journals, and 6 books.

Personal Homepage:

Research areas: Structural Engineering, Structural Health Monitoring, Earthquake Engineering

Qualifications: PhD in Structural Engineering in a major University, documented experience in Earthquake Engineering

Contact information:

Please send application materials to the following email address: mo***@zj*.cn with the subject of “Name + application for research fellow” and the details of application materials can be found towards the end.

Available Position 6:


Naiyu Wang: joined the College of Civil Engineering and Architecture at the Zhejiang University (ZJU) in 2019. She earned her Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering, with an emphasis in Structural Engineering, from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA in 2010. She worked as a senior structural engineer for three years (2011-2013) at Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger, Inc. in Boston, MA, USA and was involved in projects concerning a variety of engineered facilities, including nuclear power plants, water distribution pipelines, radio telescopes, wind turbines, and buildings and bridges. Before joining the ZJU faculty, she was an assistant professor at the School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science at the University of Oklahoma, USA (2013-2019).

Personal Homepage:

Research areas

  • Resilience of built environment – assessment and decision-making;
  • Modeling and probabilistic risk assessment for spatially distributed civil infrastructure networks and building portfolios considering natural hazards (earthquake, flood, etc.);
  • Modeling of interdependent systems; network modeling and analysis; multi-objective optimization;
  • Modeling of hazards: urban flooding; hurricanes; cascading hazards, etc.;
  • Decision modeling for community and regional resilience planning;
  • Analysis of multiple/competing hazards and risks, and their impact on communities’ short-term and long-term planning;
  • Mitigation strategies and policy design;
  • Applications of machine learning tools (deep learning, reinforcement learning, etc.) on model calibration and validation; data mining to support disaster resilience assessment and enhancement;
  • Applications of optimal control theory to dynamic decision making;
  • Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing on disaster warning and forecasting, risk assessment and hazard mitigation.


Resilient city, robustness and recoverability of urban scale infrastructure network, optimization of decision-making for disaster prevention and mitigation; structural reliability, uncertainty analysis, stochastic process, multi-objective high-dimensional constrained optimization algorithm, earthquakes, typhoon, flood


PhD in Structural engineering, traffic engineering, system engineering, disaster prevention and mitigation engineering and protection engineering, municipal engineering, etc.

The postdoctoral research fellow will embark on an exciting and innovative research program that may include analysis of competing hazards and risks, evaluation of interdependent, resilient and sustainable civil infrastructure systems, and risk-informed decision making for large-scale integrated civil infrastructure systems. The position will be supported by funded research projects with multi-year durations.

Contact Information

Please send application materials to the following email address:na*******@zj*.cn with the subject of “Name + application for research fellow” and the details of application materials can be found towards the end.

Available Position 7 & 8:


  1. Weijian Zhao: Prefabricated and industrial construction expert in Intelligent Building Research Center of Zhejiang University. Member of the Japanese Academy of Engineering, Qiushi Chair Professor of Zhejiang University, Adjunct Professor of Hosei University. He used to be Chairman Research Fellow of Taisei Construction and Chief Engineer of Japan Civil Engineering Society. Prof. Zhao has been engaged in concrete structures, composite structures, advanced composite materials and construction methods, and their applied research and technology development in the fields of building / bridge / railway / underground structures for many years. He has presided over and participated in more than 70 research projects of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport of Japan. The calculation formula of concrete structure crack has been adopted by many national regulations such as the “code for design of concrete structure” and the “design standard for railway structures” in Japan. He has won the top prize of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Yoshida Prize and other awards, published more than 100 academic papers, and authorized nearly 40 invention patents. In recent years, one of his main research fields is prefabricated structure and intelligent construction.

Personal Homepage:

  1. Jun Ye: ‘Hundred Talent’ (Young) Professor at Zhejiang University since 2020. He was post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering working on digital structure design and additive manufacturing and their applications in Civil and Structural Engineering in Imperial College London. He obtained his PhD at the University of Sheffield working on Steel Structure Design and a Master in Spatial Structures at Zhejiang University, China. Before joining Imperial College London, he worked on an EPSRC funded project as a research associate at the Group of Digital Architectonics in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the University of Bath, where he developed research on Parametric Structure Design/Optimisation and Computer Graphics. He was Assistant Professor, University of the West of England. Dr. Ye has been committed to the theoretical and experimental study on the fundamental behaviour and design of steel/composite structures, subjected to normal and extreme loading events as well as intelligent design and construction of space structure and construction; His principal research interest includes stainless steel and ordinary steel structure design, engineering structure seismic, complex structure design, metal structure and concrete structure 3D printing, structure optimization and robot application in civil engineering. He has published more than 30 papers in international periodicals such as Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, Journal of Computing in Engineering, Engineering Structure, Thin-walled Structures, Computers and Structures.

Research areas:

Two Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions are available in Structures and Information Technology of Infrastructure at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University. As a research fellow, this is a good opportunity to be part of an exciting project whose aim is to improve the sustainability and efficiency of infrastructures in their whole life-cycle (e.g. design, construction, servicing, and maintenance) via improved or cutting-edge technologies. The position requires training and expertise in structural engineering and/or information technology. The major research interests of the group include but not limited to:

  • Layout/Topology/Geometric optimization for structure design.
  • Fundamental theories and applications of monitoring techniques/novel sensing technologies, maintenance, and strengthening/repair in infrastructure.
  • Fundamental theories and design of cold-formed steel, high-performance steel/ composite structures, modular buildings, structural performance subjected to extreme loading events (e.g. fires or earthquakes)
  • Automation in construction, e.g. robots in construction, big data analysis, data-driven design, steel/concrete or composite additive manufacturing (3D printing)

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Your primary role will be to pursue research in one of the above-listed areas to conduct experimental and theoretical research and produce high-quality research outputs.
  • Working closely with collaborators at the group in Zhejiang University, academic collaborators in the University of Hong Kong, Imperial College London, University of Bath, Sheffield, and industry partners.
  • Apart from highly competitive publications, you will also be able to apply for research funding from various sources. We will provide full support to further your research or industry career.


  • A Ph.D. in Engineering or a related subject such as Civil Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics or Physics
  • Experience in one of the above-listed areas
  • Good programming skills (C++ or C# or Python or Matlab…), familiar with FE analysis software, experimental techniques

Further Information:

The group is internationally excellent and we are committed to equality of opportunity, eliminating discrimination, and creating an inclusive working environment.

The job will be full-time, we offer 2-4 years fixed contract with an annual salary up to RMB350, 000 yuan (around 50,000 USD). There will be university accommodation and financial support for attending conferences and there will be an extra reward for research output.

Post-doctoral research fellows who have been in the position for 3 years or above have the opportunity to apply for full faculty positions.

Zhejiang University is one of China’s oldest and very top higher education institutions, and it is a research-intensive university. Located in Hangzhou – one of China’s most innovative and beautiful cities – the University is organized across 7 faculties and 36 schools. It is home to 3,611 full-time faculty members and 53,673 students. Over 53% of the students are research-based.

Zhejiang University currently ranks among the top 3 on the Chinese mainland and is a top 60 institution in QS World University Rankings. 18 disciplines of Zhejiang University have been selected for China’s “Double First-class” Initiative (3rd in China) and 39 disciplines graded A in the recent national assessment, which ranked number 1 in China).

Contact Information

Please send application materials to the following email address:Professor Weijian Zhao (zh*********@zj*.cn) and Dr Jun Ye (ju****@zj*.cn), with the subject of “Name+application for research fellow” and the details of application materials can be found towards the end.

Salary and Development:

  1. 2-4 years fixed contract with annual salary up to RMB350, 000 (around 53,000 USD), plus bonus for research output
  2. Rental apartment offered by ZJU available
  3. Financial support for academic conferences and visits (both domestic and international)
  4. Opportunity to apply for ZJU faculty positions

Application Materials:

  1. A current CV (including your academic experience, 2 referees’ information, and publication list) and a one-page statement of research interests;
  2. 2-3 representative publications or research projects;

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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 136 Jobs
  • Location Hangzhou
  • Full Address 866 Yuhangtang Rd, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
  • Website