Professors Positions Available at Shenzhen University

Shenzhen University

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  • Apply by Open Year Round

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About IAS, Shenzhen University

The Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) of Shenzhen University is an institution established in 2014, consisting of both undergraduate and postgraduate programs, and focusing on interdisciplinary teaching and research. The institute is a special academic zone inside the university but its operation and management conform to the rules and procedures implemented in most institutions across the globe, independent of the current system in Shenzhen University. The Institution is now searching for senior and junior principal investigators worldwide until all the posted vacancies are occupied.

1. Vacancies

6-10 tenured or tenure-tracked full professors

8-14 tenure-tracked associate professors

20-35 tenure-tracked assistant professors

2. Areas (focusing on interdisciplinary education and research)

Applied Mathematics: Risk Management, Statistics, Computational Mathematics & Financial Mathematics;

Physics: Material Physics, Soft-Matter Physics & Physical Biology;

Chemistry: Material Chemistry, Chemical Biology & Micromolecular Chemistry;

Biology: Bio-Medicine, food science, Bio-informatics, etc.

Marine biology: Marine ecology, Physical oceanography, Chemical oceanography, Marine environmental science.

3. Salaries/Benefits

a) Salary of tenure-tracked assistant professors will start from US$60,000 per year, depending on individual qualifications. Please contact us for further information.

b) Assist the PIs to apply for 2—5 million RMB start-up funds from Shenzhen government, depending on the applicants’ requirements and qualifications in accordance with the University’s new policies of bringing in top talents.

c) All the tenured or tenure-tracked faculty members will be and must be independent researchers. Research collaboration among members is encouraged. The institute will be administrated by all the academic members by international standards.

d) The academic members at the Institute will be assessed by a peer review system with an emphasis on intellectual contributions rather than solely by publications.

4. Application materials (All in English)

a) A research proposal for the next 5—10 years, including specific research questions, their significance, your novel approaches and ideas, the starting-up requirements and your abilities to solve these questions;

b) Three recommendation letters;

c) A maximum of five previous publications and/or patents with a description of your academic contributions respectively;

d) CV with degree certifications attached.

Do you like to become an independent principal investigator with a sufficient start-up research fund and work in a new institute that attaches greater importance to intellectual contributions than publications in China? If yes, please submit the above application documents, and arrange your referees to email their recommendation letters directly to the liaison as below.

5. Contact


Tel: +86-755-26492572, Email: sa****@sz*.cn

Address: Dean’s Office of the Institute for Advanced Study, Rm. 343, Administration Building, Shenzhen University, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 518060


1. Please title your email as “Your Name + SZU-IAS-PI + Your Research Areas”;

2. Please provide us with all the required materials as stated above. Any incomplete applications may not be considered in the searching process. Thanks!

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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 17 Jobs
  • Location Shenzhen
  • Full Address 3688 Nanhai Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
  • Website