Research Assistant positions in the Dynamic Embodied Brain Laboratory, ICPBR

Chinese Academy of Sciences

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The Dynamic Embodied Brain Laboratory (DEB Lab) at the International Center for Primate Brain Research (ICPBR), which belongs to the Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology (CEBSIT), Chinese Academy of Sciences, is seeking to hire Research Assistants in following research fields. The DEB Lab examines the relations between bodily functions (e.g., heart rate) and brain functions (e.g., emotions) at the neuroanatomical, neurophysiological, and neuroimaging levels in non-human primates. These relations are of paramount importance for our daily affective and cognitive life, for our sense of self, our well-being, and our mental health.

, Neuro-Histology Research Assistant

The Neuro-Histology Research Assistant position includes assistance in brain tissue extraction, histological, immunohistochemical and in-situ hybridization staining, microscopy imaging, microscopy data segmentation, and data management.

The candidate must hold a Bachelor or Master degree in Biology, Biomedical Sciences, or related fields, with an experience in histology. In addition, the candidate must have an excellent English, both written and spoken, great sense of responsibility, team spirit as well as autonomy, and finally a great passion for Neuroscience.

, Computer Science Research Assistant

The DEB Lab uses numerous complex technologies that require good computer interfacing, for both the control of experimental parameters, the recording of data, and the analysis of these data. The Computer Science Assistant position includes assistance in all matters that relate to computer hardware and software, including installation, compatibility issues, script encoding (Matlab/Python/R) for interfacing experimental measurement devices, data acquisition and storage solutions.

The candidate must hold a Computer Science or related fields, with an experience in a complexe computer interfacing. In addition, the candidate must have an excellent English, both written and spoken, great sense of responsibility, team spirit as well as autonomy, and finally a great passion for Neuroscience.

, Experimental Research Assistant

The Experimental Research Assistant position includes assistance in the preparation of experimental setup, in behavioral training of non-human primates, preparing experimental setups, pre- and post-experimental animal care.

The candidate must hold a Bachelor or Master degree in Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, or related fields, with an experience in animal handling, care and training. In addition, the candidate must have an excellent English, both written and spoken, great sense of responsibility, team spirit as well as autonomy, and finally a great passion for Neuroscience.

The DEB Lab is internationally active and connected, with research being conducted both at the ICPBR as well as in collaborating centers in Europe and the USA. This is an excellent opportunity to work in an international team. This position will also provide great experiences in advanced neuroscience research.

To get more information and/or to apply (resume/CV, related documents), please contact the DEB Lab Manager, Ms. Qian Liang ([email protected]), and [email protected].

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  • Total Jobs 11 Jobs
  • Location Beijing
  • Full Address 52 Sanlihe Rd, Xicheng District, Beijing, China
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