Job Overview
- Apply by Long-term Valid
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- Qualification PhD
- Discipline Finance, Management, Economics and Business
Founded in 1921 by Mr. Tan Kah Kee, a well-known patriotic overseas Chinese leader, Xiamen University is one of China’s premier universities as designated by China’s National Ministry of Education under the government’s “211 Project”, “985 Project” and more recently “Double First-class Initiative”. Encompassing a diverse range of academic and professional disciplines, endowed with a rigorous and highly accomplished faculty, and sustained by a long history as a leading institution for scholarship and research, Xiamen University provides an ideal environment for professional development and academic research. Nestled between the green hills and blue waters of Southern China’s Fujian Province, Xiamen University is widely recognized as one of the most beautiful university in China.
The School of Management at Xiamen University (SMXMU), has developed from a humble beginning as the Department of Business at XMU in 1921 when the University was founded, to one of the Ten Best Business Schools nationwide. SMXMU ranked 5th in 2013 and A in 2017 in China Discipline Rankings (CDR) in Business Administration. In the Essential Sciences Indicators (ESI) rankings in 2019, SMXMU’s Business Administration is among the top 1 percent globally. With the great achievements, SMXMU joins the very small circle of the 1% of Business Schools holding the “triple crown” worldwide and cements its place among the world’s leading providers of business education.
With competitive salary, sufficient research grants and abundant opportunities of international exchange and cooperation, we sincerely welcome outstanding academic professionals from all over the world to join us and contribute to our ongoing efforts to realize SMXMU’s goal to be a world-class internationalized Business School.
Current Openings
厦门大学管理学院面向海内外诚聘英才,现公开招聘2022年会计与审计领域、企业管理(包括战略管理、人力资源管理、创新创业等)领域、管理科学与工程领域、财务与资本市场领域、旅游与酒店管理领域、市场营销领域的教授、副教授和助理教授。Applications are invited for appointments as Full Professors/Associate Professors/Assistant Professors in any field of business. Our preferred areas of specializations are – but not limited to – Accounting and Auditing, Enterprise Management (including strategic management, human resource management, innovation and entrepreneurship, etc.), Management Science and Engineering, Finance and Capital Markets, Tourism and Hotel Management, and Marketing.
Eligibility Criteria
申报人应具有良好的思想政治素质和品德学风,身心健康,能全职在校工作,并具备以下条件。In addition to proven academic prowess and extensive teaching experience in an academic setting, the candidate is required to have a professional attitude and great work ethic.
Nanqiang Top-notch Young Talents Program-A Level Talent
1. 具有博士学位;年龄一般不超过43周岁。
2. 一般应为国家高层次青年人才以及具备相当水平的青年人才。
1.The candidate should hold a Ph.D. degree in relevant field and be under the age of 43 (subject to change for exceptional talents);
2.The candidate should be recognized as a high-level young talent in a national talent program or equivalent programs.
No.2 南强青年拔尖人才支持计划B类人才
Nanqiang Top-notch Young Talents Program-B Level Talent
1. 具有博士学位;年龄一般不超过38周岁。
2. 具有丰硕的科研成果和出色的教学能力,在其学术领域崭露头角,为同龄人中的拔尖人才,教学科研业绩符合学校各学科教授职务任职条件,具备在支持期内入选南强青年拔尖人才支持计划A类人才的实力。
1.The candidate should hold a Ph.D. degree in relevant field and be under the age of 38 (subject to change for exceptional talents);
2.The candidate should have an outstanding track record of high-quality research and teaching, and have demonstrated excellent academic leadership. The candidate should have the potential to be selected as a A-level Talent in the Nanqiang Young Top-notch Talents Program during his/her term of appointment.
No.3 副教授、助理教授
Positions for Associate Professors and Assistant Professors (Tenure Track)
1. 具有博士学位;应聘副教授职务不超过40周岁,应聘助理教授职务不超过35周岁。
2. 符合学科发展需要,具有卓越的科研能力和优秀的教学能力,学术研究方向具有鲜明特色;符合《厦门大学教师职务聘任条例》(厦大人〔2017〕143号文件)、学校和学院专任教师绩效考核评价实施细则中的要求。
1.The candidate should hold a Ph.D. degree in relevant field. For candidates who are expected to have a Ph.D. degree (related documents should be provided to prove eligibility);
2.Candidates for associate professor positions should be under the age of 40; candidates for assistant professor positions should be under the age of 35;
3.Candidates should possess the expertise of the corresponding positions, as well as other basic recruitment qualifications required by Xiamen University.
Remuneration and Benefits
1. 按照受聘职务享受厦门大学相应薪酬待遇。
2. 根据受聘职务享受相应的安家补贴、租房补贴,符合厦门市有关规定的人选,另可申请厦门市新引进人才生活补贴。
3. 可根据房源情况申请租住校内周转房(不超过4年),另可根据厦门市高层次人才评价认定标准和有关工作通知申请购买厦门市人才住房。
1.The candidate is entitled to the corresponding salary according to the position he/she is appointed.
2.Enjoy the corresponding housing and rental subsidies. Candidates who meet the requirements of Xiamen City, can also apply for living allowances offered by the city to new high-level talents.
3.The candidate could apply for a starter home on campus (if available) and live in the apartment up to 4 years. Candidates could also apply to purchase Talent Apartments in Xiamen if they are identified by Xiamen City as high-end talents and meet the relevant requirements.
Candidates who are selected as high-end talents in the Nanqiang Top-notch Young Talent Program will enjoy the corresponding bonuses and benefits from the university according to the regulations. In addition, those who meet the requirements of the Implementation Measures for the “Qunxian Program” of Xiamen University School of Management could apply for Qunxian positions, and the School will provide extra performance bonuses for them.
Recruiting Process
1. 面向全球公开招聘,岗位聘用情况将根据招聘工作进展情况进行更新。
2. 学院、学校将根据人才引进和教师职务聘任的相关工作程序进行审核、接洽。
1.Xiamen University recruits qualified faculty members and research staffs around the world. New Positions will be released in time.
2.SMXMU will review the application materials and contact the applicants according to faculty recruiment regulations.
Recruiting Process
1. 中英文个人简历(含受教育经历、工作经历、学术经历、教学及学术成果);
2. 自荐信;
3. 三篇重要代表性论文(含工作论文)或著作的全文;
4. 学历、学位证书,任职证明,海外经历证明;
5. 提供三封同行专家推荐信,推荐人应是本领域知名专家。
Send an email to the dedicated department secretary including the following application materials:
1. Curriculum Vitae, including education qualifications, research interests, publications, and teaching experiences;
2. Personal Statement;
3. Full text of three papers (including working papers) or publications (PDF Version);
4. Degree certificates, certificate of employment, and certificates of overseas experiences;
5. Three reference letters from academic/professional peers (PDF Version).
Contact Information
Contact Points |
Coordinator |
会计系 Department of Accounting
刘老师 Ms. Liu E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +86-592-2187139 |
翁老师 Ms. Weng
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +86-592-2180399 |
企业管理系 Department of Business Administration
付老师 Ms. Fu E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +86-592-2182398 |
旅游与酒店管理系 Department of Tourism and Hotel Management
陈老师 Ms. Chen E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +86-592-2185512 |
管理科学系 Department of Management Science
汤老师 Ms. Tang E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +86-592-2186967 |
财务学系 Department of Finance
彭老师 Ms. Peng E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +86-592-2185377 |
市场学系 Department of Marketing
沈老师 Ms. Shen E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +86-592-2186778 |
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