By: School of Foreign Languages, Shenzhen University
My name is Luke Prosper, and I work for the School of Foreign Languages. I teach English at Shenzhen University.
我是Luke Prosper,是深圳大学外国语学院的一名英语教师。
My first trip to China was back in 2004, and I’ve been captivated ever since. I’ve been north, south, east, west, and I’ve been all over China, and I really really love working in Shenzhen. It’s a beautiful city, and right in the middle of this beautiful energetic city is Shenzhen University
Shenzhen University is my dream job. Long before I came on staff, I would attend English Corner and I would work with student groups, volunteer groups and things like that. I was always impressed with the open-mindedness and the friendliness of Shenzhen University students. If I’m gonna work somewhere, I want work somewhere like Shenzhen University.
Several years after, I came to Shenzhen, I left Shenzhen, and came back, and I was looking at what direction do I want my life to go. And at the time, I had a choice between working for a tech company and working here at the university. I was interviewed at both. The tech company, the financial benefits would have been really great, but when I went to that environment, it was gray and dark blue, and I saw the look of the faces of the workers, and I realized that I couldn’t be happy working in this kind of environment. On the other hand, I came to Shenzhen University, and there I was surrounded by nature, and sunshine, and the students were smiling, and (I thought) this is where I want to be, and so I made my choice, and I’ve never regretted it.
I really enjoy working at Shenzhen University. My own unique gifts and talents are able to come to play. And I’m able to do something that I believe is meaningful. Another benefit of working at Shenzhen University is the flexibility. Back in 2018, my son was diagnosed with leukemia. At the beginning it’s really hard. We had to have somebody at the hospital all the time. And so my wife would go and spend the day at the hospital, and I would come from work and go to the hospital and sleep there and then come back to work the next morning. And my wife would switch me out again. My department really worked hard to make sure that I could, that my workload was able to handle that. And it was a great blessing at that time.
In 2020, my son relapsed, and we had to do a bone marrow transplant. During that time, it was really difficult. I was the one who was with him in the hospital. And I spent over 40 days in a room with no windows, taking care of him, not knowing whether or not he was going to live or die. During that time, the people at the school were very very helpful. People like our vice-president Zhang Xiaohong, who approved my leave and who helped me to cover, find people to cover my classes. At HR, we had people like Li Yun, who I met and I personally talked to, and she helped me to move things forward in that department as well. Dr. Jin, my own supervisor, and Jane Hackenberg, and so many people who really really helped me to get through that difficult time, and I would always be thankful to these people for the help that they provided when I needed it most.
2020年,我儿子的病复发了,这次需要做骨髓移植。那段时间我负责留在医院照顾他,我们父子俩在一间没有窗户的病房里住了40多天,朝夕相伴,不知道等待我们的命运是什么。在那段时间,学校的同事们都非常关心我,给我很大的帮助。比如张晓红副校长,她批准我休假,并安排好老师帮我代课;还有人力资源部的黎陨老师,在得知我的情况之后,她帮我积极推进各种手续的办理,省去我们很多的麻烦。此外还有外国语学院负责外教管理工作的金娜娜博士,我曾经的同事Jane Hackenberg女士,以及所有帮我渡过难关的人,我将永存感激之心,感谢他们在我最困难的时候向我伸出援助之手。
There is no perfect work place. Every job has its frustrations and its difficulties, but when I walk on this campus, and I’m surrounded by nature, and I get to feel the sunshine and I see the students’ smiles. I remember why I started and I appreciate it even more. And so I wouldn’t change a thing.
By School of Foreign Languages, Shenzhen University