Job Overview
- Apply by Dec. 1, 2021
More Information
- Address Peking University, Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
- Qualification PhD
- Discipline Science & Engineering
- Majors Wanted Physics and related
- Department/School Website
Job description:
The Experimental High Energy Physics group at Peking University (PKU) invites applications for a postdoctoral position on the CMS experiment at the LHC.
The PKU CMS group currently consists of five professors, four postdoctoral researchers, and around twenty graduate students. The group strongly involves in the SM electroweak physics (multi-boson, VBS/VBF processes, double Higgs production etc.) and the B-physics sector. The group has long-term researches on detectors and electronics. The group have significant contributions to the CMS-GEM detectors and newly joined the CMS-MTD project (timing detector) for the Phase II upgrade.
The successful candidate is expected to work on but not limited to the double Higgs searches using advanced techniques (deep learning etc.). The successful candidate will also have a chance to contribute to the CMS-MTD timing detector upgrade including the local testing and/or the commissioning at CERN as well as the online operation.
The position is initially for two years with possible extensions upon mutual agreement. It will start as soon as possible when the decision is made.
The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. in particle physics, or equivalent, by the time when he/she starts the position at Peking University.
For more details on this position and the PKU team, please contact Prof. Yajun Mao (ma***@pk*.cn) and Prof. Xiaohu Sun (Xi********@pk*.cn). Applicants should prepare a cover letter, a CV, a short research statement, and arrange three recommendation letters. Please send them to Xi********@pk*.cn.
The position will keep open till it is filled. A general deadline is December 1st, 2021.
Contact: Xiaohu SUN (Xi********@pk*.cn)