Assistant /Associate /Full/Chair Professor in Applied Economics

Southern University of Science and Technology

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SUSTech Business School at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is now accepting applications for faculty positions at all ranks in Applied Economics.

About SUSTech

Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is an innovation-oriented public university founded by the Shenzhen government under the background of China’s deepening reform and opening up.

SUSTech aspires to be a pioneer in college education reform. It is also dedicated to promote Shenzhen as a modern, international, and innovative city and China as a creative, open country.

For more information about SUSTech, please visit the website:

About  SUSTech Business School

Founded in October 2018, SUSTech Business School aims to become a leading academic institution in China and Asia. The School emphasizes on innovative ideas, modern technology, international impact, and interdisciplinary research.

SUSTech has appointed new dean, Hao Zhou, from Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance since April 15, 2021. (The news links: Dean of business school Presented to SUSTech community.) SUSTech has committed substantial resources to support its business school to become one of the top ten leading business schools in Asia. For example, a brand new business school building under construction is near completion and ready for use in early 2022.

All of the faculty members of the SUSTech Business School have international academic backgrounds with frontier research experiences. In the past three years, faculty members have published more than 20 articles in top-tier academic journals, including Operations Research, Management Science, MIS Quarterly, the Journal of Financial Economics, and the Accounting Review.

For more information about SUSTech Business School, please visit the website: 


Applicants must have a doctoral degree (or close to completion) from an established university. Candidates are expected to have a strong commitment to high-quality research and excellent teaching in Finance, Economics, Accounting and Information Systems, Marketing, and Management Sciences.

For positions at the Associate Professor and Professor levels, a substantial track record of research publications in top-tier academic journals is essential.

For candidates at the Assistant Professor level, a strong indication of the ability to publish in top-tier academic journals is critical.

Compensation Package 

Salary will be highly competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience.

SUSTech offers a comprehensive compensation package, including medical care and housing allowance for eligible appointees.

Qualified applicants are encouraged to apply for numerous Talents Programs sponsored by the local, provincial, and national governments.

Application Procedure

Please email to submit the following items to complete your application:

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Research statement
  • Teaching statement
  • Copies of three selected research publications
  • Three or More Reference Letters

Please email to the different department accordingly:

  • For finance, economics, and accounting applicants, please email to the Department of Finance:[bi**@su*****.cn]

All applicants should send a carbon copy to the Human Resources at SUSTech Business School:[co****@su*****.cn]

Application Process

To apply to join our team, please click the apply link below and provide the following documents:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • PhD certificate
  • Five published articles (Within the last five years)
  • Executive summary of academic achievements & proposed research or work plan (1000 words)
  • Letter of recommendation and the names and email addresses of 3 referees (university professors)
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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 119 Jobs
  • Location Shenzhen
  • Full Address 1088 Xueyuan Avenue, Shenzhen University Town, Shenzhen
  • Website