The HIT Center for Life Sciences (HCLS) was founded in 2016. As the first special academic zone of Harbin Institute of Technology(HIT), HCLS is empowered by unparalleled freedom in research, graduate program, personnel employment and financial flexibility within the university. Cryo-EM Platform houses two Thermo Scientific Cryo Transmission Electron Microscopes, a Titan Krios G3i 300kv and Talos Arctica G2 200kv. The Cryo-EM platform is applied to analyze 3D structures of protein molecules, super molecular complexes, cells and subcellular organelle at multiple levels to reveal the mechanism behind their function. Now HCLS is seeking a Director of Cryo-EM Platform with a strong background in Cryo Electron Microscopy.Qualifications for this position include: PhD degree in the field of related disciplines. Deep Experience in Cryo-EM or transmission EM.
Responsibilities of Director include: Operation and maintenance of the platform. Leading and managing staff and users of the instruments use, work arrangement.
An internationally competitive salary is provided and determined during the interview and salary negotiation.
Applicants should submit a CV to Zhiwei Huang: hu*********@hi*.cn. Applications will be open until filled.