Job Opportunities at East China Normal University

East China Normal University

Job Overview

More Information

Founded in Shanghai in October 1951, East China Normal University (ECNU, website) is one of China’s top research universities. Directly under the Ministry of Education and sponsored by the national key university programs—“Project 211” and “Project 985”—the university is renowned for its teacher education and high-level research programs in both basic and applied sciences.

In 2017, ECNU was selected into Class A of the Double First Class Program (First Class University and First Class Academic Discipline in the World), an education initiative launched by the Ministry of Education aiming at developing elite Chinese universities into world-class institutions by the end of 2050.

Adhering to the strategy of pursuing interdisciplinary development, internationalization, and informatization, ECNU has made great achievements in talent training, scientific research, community service and international exchanges in the past few decades.

With the five action plans, i.e. Education Plus, Ecology Plus, Health Plus, Intelligence Plus and Internationalization Plus as the petals, the university is working hard to forge the Flower of Happiness, ECNU’s recently formulated university development initiative. With all these efforts, ECNU intends to fulfill its vision of “Creativity, Character and Community”.

Job Opportunities

ECNU invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions in multiple disciplines in all ranks from assistant professors to full professors. The positions of research scientists and postdoctoral fellowships are also open for application.


Applicants must possess a doctorate degree in a closely related field and show evidence of relevant teaching and research experience, including peer-reviewed publications. They must have a professional record that proves their external funding history or potential.

For more detailed information, please contact:

Personnel Department
Contactor: Mr.Wang
Office Tel: 86-21-62235058
E-mail: cw***@bi*.cn

Department of Philosophy
Contactor: Mr.Wang
Office Tel: 86-21-54344877
E-mail: bj****@ad***.cn

Department of History
Contactor: Ms.Li
Office Tel: 86-21-54342643
E-mail: fh**@hi*****.cn

Si-mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities
Contactor: Ms.Wang
Office Tel: 86-21-54345285
E-mail: yq****@ad***.cn

Department of Chinese Language and Literature
Contactor: Ms.Zhang
Office Tel: 86-21-54344874
E-mail: zx****@12*.com

School of Communication
Contactor: Mr.Qi
Office Tel: 86-21-54343075
E-mail: tq*@co**.cn

School of Fine Arts
Contactor: Ms.Li
Office Tel: 86-21-54345315
E-mail: hl*@ar*.cn

School of Music
Contactor: Ms.Yang
Office Tel: 86-21-54345317
E-mail: hy****@co**.cn

School of Design
Contactor: Ms.Zhang
Office Tel: 86-21-62232742
E-mail: jz****@de****.cn

School of International Chinese Studies
Contactor: Ms.Yao
Office Tel: 86-21-62232196
E-mail: em*******@12*.com

Faculty of Education Sciences
Contactor: Ms.Xie
Office Tel: 86-21-62233607
E-mail: rx**@se*.cn

School of Psychology and Cognitive Science
Contactor: Mr.Zhang
Office Tel: 86-21-62230090
E-mail: pq*****@ph***.cn

School of Foreign Languages
Contactor: Ms.Zhu
Office Tel: 86-21-54340725
E-mail: sh**********@16*.com

Faculty of Economics and Management
Contactor: Ms.Zhang、Ms Wang
Office Tel: 86-21-62231013
E-mail: **@fe*.cn

School of Law
Contactor: Ms.Miao
Office Tel: 86-21-33503655
E-mail: ym***@la*.cn

Department of Politics
Contactor: Mr.Zhao
Office Tel: 86-21-54342902
E-mail: zq****@dl**.cn

School of Social Development
Contactor: Ms.Ding
Office Tel: 86-21-34756050
E-mail: 18*********@16*.com

School of Marxism
Contactor: Mr.Sun
Office Tel: 86-21-54341304
E-mail: js**@ad***.cn

School of Advanced International and Area Studies
Contactor: Ms.Chen
Office Tel: 86-21-62232113
E-mail: jc***@sa***.cn

School of Sports and Health
Contactor: Ms.Hu
Office Tel: 86-21-54342614
E-mail: yj**@ty**.cn

School of Mathematics Science
Contactor: Ms.Liu
Office Tel: 86-21-54342633-130
E-mail: xy***@ma**.cn

School of Physics and Electronic Science
Contactor: Ms.Feng
Office Tel: 86-21-54342731
E-mail: jy****@ph*.cn

State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy
Contactor: Ms.Guo
Office Tel: 86-21-54836023
E-mail: zh***@lp*.cn

School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering
Contactor: Ms.Shen
Office Tel: 86-21-54340115
E-mail: qs***@ch**.cn

School of Geographic Sciences
Contactor: Mr.Liu
Office Tel: 86-21-54341218
E-mail: rc**@ge*.cn

School of Urban and Regional Sciences
Contactor: Ms.Cheng
Office Tel: 86-21-54341305
E-mail: ch*************@16*.com

School of Ecology and Environmental Science
Contactor: Ms.Song
Office Tel: 86-21-54341162
E-mail: ms***@de*.cn

State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research
Contactor: Ms.Wang
Office Tel: 86-21-54836491
E-mail: lw***@sk***.cn

Institute of Eco-Chongming
Contactor: Ms.Lu
Office Tel: 86-21-59611221
E-mail: mx**@ch*.cn

School of Life Sciences
Contactor: Ms.Wang
Office Tel: 86-21-54342603
E-mail: ya******@bi*.cn

School of Computer Science and Technology
Contactor: Ms.Song
Office Tel: 86-21-62224237
E-mail: qs***

Software Engineering Institute
Contactor: Ms.Yang
Office Tel: 86-21-62235208
E-mail: ya******@se*.cn

School of Data Science and Engineering
Contactors: Ms.Yu
Office Tel: 86-21-62235027
E-mail: hp**@da**.cn

School of Communication and Electroinc Engineering
Contactor: Ms.Cai
Office Tel: 86-21-54345155
E-mail: xm***@si**.cn

Joint institute for translational science and technology
Contactor: Ms.Zhu
Office Tel: 86-21-33503059
E-mail: wn***@jt*.cn

Institute of Urban Development
Contactor: Ms.Zhang
Office Tel: 86-21-62232980
E-mail: hn*****@ad***.cn

Institute of Brain Science and Educational Innovation
Contactor: Mr.Zhang
Office Tel: 86-21-62233528
E-mail: zh******@ad***.cn

Institute of Socialist Historical Document
Contactor: Ms.Zhou
Office Tel: 86-21-54340167
E-mail: nz***@hi*****.cn

Health Science Center
Contactor: Ms.Yu
Office Tel: 86-21-62235057
E-mail: yx****@ad***.cn

ECNU Job Portal:

WeChat: ECNU Talent Recruitment Platform

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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 5 Jobs
  • Location Shanghai
  • Full Address East China Normal University, Shanghai, China