Job Overview
- Apply by Dec. 1, 2021
More Information
- Qualification PhD
- Discipline Science & Engineering
Job description:
The Collaborative Innovation Center for Particles and Interactions (CICPI) at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) invites applications for one postdoctoral position for the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider.
Candidates should have a Ph.D. (or expected soon) in experimental particle physics. The candidates should have either excellent data analysis skills or good experience in particle detection, a good level of computing and programming skills, and the ability to carry out an independent research program. The successful candidate is expected to play an important role for both ATLAS upgrade programs and physics studies. The position is for two years, with a possibility to extend for another two years. The salary will be competitive and commensurate with the experience of the selected candidate. The successful applicants can be either largely stationed at CERN or at USTC for their research activities.
The particle physics laboratory at USTC is a leading research center in China. The USTC ATLAS Group actively works on several aspects of the ATLAS experiment. The group has a strong focus on measurements and searches in the Higgs sector, Electroweak precision measurements, and searches for new physics Beyond the Standard Model. The group has also been substantially involved with ATLAS upgrade, including both Phase-I (New Small Wheel) and Phase-II (High Granularity Timing Detector and Resistive Plate Chambers) projects.
Applications are now open and will be accepted before December 1st, 2021. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae with a list of publications included, a statement of research interests, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent via email to Prof. Yanwen Liu (ya****@us**.cn), Dr. Yusheng Wu (wu*******@us**.cn) and Dr. Lailin Xu(la******@us**.cn). Inquiries about the positions are welcome and should be sent to the same addresses above.