Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor in Experience Design

Southern University of Science and Technology

Job Overview

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The School of Design at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in Shenzhen is recruiting academic staff for multiple full-time tenure-track positions at all ranks, including Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in the areas of design practice.

  • Experience Design: developing and extending the range of experiences including gaming and animation; enriching scriptwriting and narration; extending the range of interaction to enhance experience including AR and VR; advancing the applications of AI in design and uses.

with a preference for those able to work across two or more of the fields: Object Design, Interaction Design, Experience Design, Wearables Design, Environment Design.

The School is particularly interested in experienced researchers and teachers of design as the context for translation of advances in science and technology to societal advantage, particularly through high quality studio teaching. Additionally, particular expertise in:

  • History and theory of design or a particular relevant area in design
  • Engineering, manufacturing and parts design
  • Advanced manufacturing and digital / robotic fabrication
  • Design management and branding

Applicants should demonstrate their strengths in one or more of these areas, with documented capabilities of collaborative practice to bridge science and technology to design delivery.

Appointments in one area of focus may be required to teach cognate subjects in other programs.

The education offered at the School of Design integrates research with learning with a strong interdisciplinary and industry focus and draws upon the strengths of SUSTech in advanced manufacturing, new materials and artificial intelligence. Teaching at SUSTech is bilingual, either English or Putonghua. It is perfectly acceptable to use English in all lectures, assignments, and assessments.

Roles and Responsibilities

Full time (teaching and research):

Positions available: Professor / Associate / Assistant Professor

Primary roles and responsibilities full time appointments:

  • Assist in developing an undergraduate curriculum and course content as directed;
  • Teach a design studio and a seminar course each semester;
  • Develop a research program and/or design project that draws on connections to capacities in Shenzhen;
  • Provide students with appropriate learning materials and expertise in assigned subjects;
  • Evaluate students’ performance and provide effective feedback to guide student learning and success;
  • Responsible for contributing to and maintaining an inclusive and collaborative environment;
  • Actively participate in a residential college of the university to provide student mentoring. 


  • Hold a terminal degree in a relevant field, preferably an earned doctorate and / or demonstrated exemplary success in industry and practice;
  • A track record of high quality, peer recognized, design and research outcomes such as design awards, publications, exhibition and commissions;
  • A track record in teaching and research commensurate with the level of appointment;
  • Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively across disciplines and cultures.

Terms & Applications

Applications should specify the position sought and address the roles and responsibilities described. Applicants should have an earned Ph.D. degree and demonstrated achievements in both research (including in practice) and teaching. SUSTech has identified entrepreneurship as one of the main directions of the university. Strong support will be provided to possible new initiatives and candidates with experience in entrepreneurship and the translation of research through design are invited to apply.

SUSTech is committed to increase the diversity of its faculty and has a range of family-friendly policies in place. The university offers competitive salaries and fringe benefits including medical insurance, retirement and housing subsidy, which are among the best in China. Salary is internationally competitive and rank will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. More information can be found at

We provide some of the best start-up packages in the sector to our faculty members, including doctoral studentship, postdoctoral fellowships, and start-up funding.

Application Procedure

To apply, please provide a cover letter identifying your primary area of academic focus, a curriculum vitae, a selective portfolio of up to 10 A4 pages and research and teaching statements, and forward them to

The City and The University                                                                              

Established in 2012, the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is a public institution funded by the municipal of Shenzhen, a special economic zone city in China. Shenzhen is a major city located in Southern China, situated immediately north to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

As one of China’s major gateways to the world, Shenzhen is the country’s fastest-growing city in the past two decades and has been designated a UNESCO City of Design. As a State-level innovative city, the city is the high-tech and manufacturing hub of southern China, home to the world’s third-busiest container port, and the fourth-busiest airport on the Chinese mainland. The city is home to more than 6,000 design firms accounting for 100,000 employees and is an important center for the development of intellectual property rights. About 40,000 patents are granted to Shenzhen enterprises annually, half of which are concerned with innovative designs.

As a picturesque coastal city, Shenzhen is also a popular tourist destination and was named one of the top 10 travel destinations in the world by Lonely Planet 2019.

SUSTech is a pioneer in higher education reform in China. The mission of the University is to become a globally recognized research university which emphasizes academic excellence and promotes innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. Set on five hundred acres of wooded landscape in the picturesque Nanshan (South Mountain) area, the campus offers an ideal environment for learning and research. 

The School of Design

The School of Design has been established in 2020 as the first step toward establishment the Shenzhen Institute of Design and Innovation, an independent tertiary institution for research and learning in design. The School of Design, later the Institute, will contribute to the development of Shenzhen as a world-leading center for innovation and creative industries. The Institute is expected to grow over to comprise 800 students by 2024 towards a target of 5000 students, maintaining a student:staff ratio of 8:1.

The school articulates the position of design as a responsible agency and practice in society and the global environment. The curriculum will offer research-engaged design undergraduate education in the fields of design in objects, wearables, experiences, interactions and environments, and postgraduate study in design strategy and management, as well as doctoral studies, all closely connected to industry. A well-equipped campus is being built for the Institute in Bao’an in the western section of Shenzhen and should be ready for use in 2025.

Application Process

To apply to join our team, please click the apply link below and provide the following documents:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • PhD certificate
  • Five published articles (Within the last five years)
  • Executive summary of academic achievements & proposed research or work plan (1000 words)
  • Letter of recommendation and the names and email addresses of 3 referees (university professors)

For more information about the school, please visit

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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 119 Jobs
  • Location Shenzhen
  • Full Address 1088 Xueyuan Avenue, Shenzhen University Town, Shenzhen
  • Website