Tenure-track Professor, English

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

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Position Title: Faculty (open rank)/Tenure-track, English

Department: The Department of Foreign Languages

Workload: Full-time

Vacancies: 2–3

Location: Beijing


Job Description:

Tenure-track Faculty Positions, The Department of Foreign Languages, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

We are now inviting applications for Tenured Associate/Professor & Tenure-Track Assistant Professor positions. Salary will be internationally competitive for well-qualified candidates (annual salary ranges from 450,000 RMB to 700,000 RMB (69,300 to 100,000 USD), depending on qualifications). Applicants should hold a PhD in linguistics, applied linguistics, language education, English literature, or other relevant academic fields; and have excellent communication skills. We prefer applicants who have already established an influential status in the field. The initial appointment length for this position is three years. Responsibilities include teaching English language, English literature, or linguistics courses; supervising graduate students; conducting research within the applicant’s professional fields; initiating new research projects and contributing to applications for funding; developing and building research networks; and providing service and participating in department activities.

The Department of Foreign Languages at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences was established in 1978. Founded by Li Pei, the Mother of Applied Linguistics in China, the Department of Foreign Languages offered the first-ever master’s program in applied linguistics in China. It has graduate programs in linguistics as well as a Master of Translation and Interpreting program. It also provides English courses for non-English majors at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and provides second foreign language courses in Japanese, German, and French. The Department of Foreign Languages has established multiple study and research centers — including the Academic English Writing Center, Language and Cognition Center, Academic English Teacher Development Center, and Translation Studio — to support and facilitate the interdisciplinary research, especially at the intersection of liberal arts and sciences, which is the focus of the Department of Foreign Languages.

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) is part of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). UCAS ranks at the top of Chinese higher education and has four campuses in Beijing: three located within the city of Beijing and one in the suburbs by the beautiful Yanqi Lake. For more information, see http://english.ucas.ac.cn. For the information about Chinese Academy of Sciences, see http://english.cas.cn. 


How to Apply

Applicants should send the following documents and materials to fo*****@uc**.cn:

1. A cover letter;

2. An up-to-date C.V.;

3. A research statement; and

4. A teaching statement.

Reviews of applications will start on June 15th, 2021 and will continue until the positions are filled.


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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 3 Jobs
  • Location Beijing
  • Full Address 19 A Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China
  • Website www.ucas.ac.cn