Postdoctoral Research Associate Position at CCNU

Central China Normal University

Job Overview

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Job description:

The experimental particle group at the Institute of Particle Physics (IOPP), Central China Normal University (CCNU) currently has three immediate openings for Postdoctoral Researchers to work on the LHCb experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. The contract should start between Aug. 1st, 2021 and Dec. 31st, 2021.

The CCNU-LHCb group has three faculty members (Prof. Yuehong Xie, Prof. Hang Yin, and Prof. Dongliang Zhang), and plays an important role in the study of CP violation, hadron spectroscopy, electroweak physics. We are also interested in R&D work for LHCb Phase-II upgrade (2030), particularly the CMOS tracker detector.

The positions are initially for two years with possibility of extension or promotion, subject to funding situation and performance review. The successful applicants can choose to be based at Wuhan, China, with occasional travels to CERN as needed, or stay at CERN. The post holders will receive a competitive salary commensurate to their experiences (more than 300,000 CNY yearly gross), plus additional subsidy for short travel to CERN (about 2000 CHF/per month).


Information and application

The positions require a PhD in particle physics or a closely related field. Candidates who are close to finish their PhD thesis are also encouraged to apply. Experience in data analysis and/or tracker/silicon hardware work is expected. The successful applicants are expected to contribute to tracker detector R&D for LHCb future Phase-II upgrade, to work on physics analysis in one of our interested areas, and to guide graduate students.

Interested applicants should send their applications (a curriculum vitae, a brief description of your research interest, list of representative publications (up to 10), and arrangement of at least three reference letters) to Professors Hang Yin ([email protected]).

The review of applications will begin immediately and last until the positions are filled.


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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 4 Jobs
  • Location Wuhan
  • Full Address 152 Luoyu Road, Hongshan, Wuhan, Hubei, China
  • Website