Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Positions at HKUST Guangzhou

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

Job Overview

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Introduction of HKUST(GZ):

In the rapidly changing environment of the 21st century, there is an increasing need to forge bridges across disciplines to address emerging challenges and problems.  Through its commitment to academic excellence, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has developed world-class strengths in many subjects over its short 30-year history.  With a strong track record of cultivating high end talents and nurturing future leaders for academia and industry, HKUST is well positioned to craft an innovative approach to cross-disciplinary education and research in its Guangzhou campus, HKUST(GZ), and meet the needs of an ever-evolving world.

The intended areas of focus in the GZ Campus will be thematic and cross-disciplinary in nature, synergistic with HKUST without overlapping academic degrees or structures.  Four Academic Hubs (equivalent to schools) with 16 Thrust Areas (equivalent to departments) are now in place.

Faculty Positions

HKUST Guangzhou is looking for Faculty Members in various fields. For available fields, please visit https://hkust-gz.edu.cn/career/


Applicants with a Ph.D. degree. Senior academics should have proven teaching commitment and performance, experience and readiness in cross disciplinary curriculum and program design, and demonstrated service to the academic community and/or the public.

Remuneration and Conditions of Service

Salary is highly competitive of international standard and will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.  Generous research funds, ample laboratory space and excellent research equipment and support will be provided.

All posts are tenure-track appointments in Mainland China and offered by the HKUST Mainland entity in accordance with the local employment laws and regulations.  Appointment to Professor rank and some Associate Professor rank will be made on substantive basis.  The initial appointments to Assistant Professor rank will be made on a fixed-term contract of up to three years.

Application Procedure

Please submit the application via the HKUST/HKUST(GZ) Recruitment System (https://facrecruit.hkust.edu.hk/).  You should first sign up to create your personal account.  Please select “Research Track” in “Non-tenure Stream”.  For more information, please visit the recruitment website (https://gz-faculty-recruitment.hkust.edu.hk/).

Review of applications will continue until all positions are filled.  We thank applicants for their interest.  Please be advised that only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of their application.

For questions regarding the recruitment system or general inquiries, please reach us at fa*********@us*.hk.

(Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes.  All application materials including publication samples and scholarly/creative works will be disposed of after the completion of the recruitment exercise.)

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