The Shenzhen synchrotron light source has a fourth-generation diffraction-limited storage ring with the electron energy of 3 GeV at a low emittance of 50-150 pm·rad. It provides photons with a broad range of energies from 4 MeV to 160 keV and a brightness of 10^21 phs/sec/mm^2/mrad^2/0.1%BW.
S3FEL consists of a 2.5 GeV CW superconducting linear accelerator and four initial undulator lines, aims at generating X-rays between 40 eV and 1 keV at rates up to 1 MHz. With these two facilities, IASF will become a world-class light source science center.
IASF is hiring motivated and inspired people to plan, design and construct the multiple extremely bright sources. We are looking for ambitious, talented ones who are excited about playing a vital part in the future of science.
Position Requirements
Interested candidates in physics, photonic and optical engineering, vacuum engineering, electronic and electrical engineering, automatic control, computer science and engineering, mechatronics engineering, mechanical engineering.
Applicants for senior scientists and engineers should have an established research program with rich engineering experience and big science facility construction background.
Applicants whom expert with the undulator, beam diagnostic, radiation safety, mechanical engineering, vacuum technology, magnet technology, installation, and collimation, etc. are encouraged to apply for system group head.
Benefits & Salary
We offer competitive salary with high standard social insurance and housing fund, paid annual leave and assistance in application for children’s school, talent program, and resident permit, etc.
Application Method
Please submit a cover letter and CV to [email protected] and check for more information.
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 86-755-21096023