Faculty Positions at Westlake Center for Genome Editing, Westlake University

Westlake University

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Faculty Positions at Westlake Center for Genome Editing, Westlake University

Category: Faculty

Department: SLS

Location: Yunqi, Hangzhou, CN

Employment Type: Full-time

Founded at Hangzhou, China in 2018, Westlake University is a new type of non-profit research-oriented university, creating a stimulating, world-class environment for research and education in science, engineering and technology, and life sciences. Westlake Center for Genome Editing is a newly established research center at Westlake University, aiming to develop novel technologies for genome editing applications.


Westlake Center for Genome Editing seeks exceptional scholars in the following areas:

- Novel genome editing approaches

- Delivery systems for genome editing

- Genome editing at the organismal level

- Genome editing-related DNA damage repair


Faculty positions are open at levels of Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor.

- Each faculty member is provided with an internationally competitive start-up package to ensure maximum academic freedom and to encourage creativity and risk-taking. The package includes long-term research funding, ample laboratory space, access to state-of-the-art research facilities, excellent technical and administrative support.

- All faculty members at Westlake Center for Genome Editing receive an internationally competitive salary and benefits package that includes a generous housing allowance and a premium medical care plan.


Applicants should submit the following materials via apply.interfolio.com/97438. Completed applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and will be accepted until the positions are filled.

- Cover letter

- Curriculum vitae with a complete list of publications

- Statement of research interest and plan (3 pages)

- Three letters of reference (to be submitted directly by the referees)


Contact Information: [email protected]


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