Job Overview
- Apply by Long-term Recruitment
More Information
- Qualification PhD
- Discipline Medical & Health Science
- Department/School Website
Introduction of LSIZJU:
The Life Sciences Institute (LSI) was founded in October, 2009 as the first Special Academic Unit of Zhejiang University. Located in Hangzhou, one of the most historic, picturesque and livable cities in China, LSI aims to be an internationally recognized biomedical research institution. LSI has assembled a Scientific Advisory Board comprised of world-renowned biological scientists to offer consultation on faculty recruitment and institutional development, and continued its effort to recruit top-tier scientists world-wide of any nationalities to establish laboratories focusing on fundamental questions in life and biomedical sciences.
LSI currently has 34 faculty members in areas of cancer biology, regenerative medicine, inflammation biology, systems biology and structural biology. LSI is empowered by unparalleled freedom in academic, graduate education, personnel management, and financial flexibility within the university. We offer a state-of-the-art core facility, including next-generation sequencer, super-resolution microscopes, multi-color flow cytometer, mass spectrometer, small animal in vivo imaging facility, zebrafish facility and a large number of shared facilities on campus.
LSI has achieved impressive accomplishments in the past few years. To further strengthen its international competitiveness, LSI is expanding its research programs with top scientists. We cordially invite outstanding scientists at all levels around the world to join LSI.
LSI has both full-time and part-time positions open to outstanding scientists regardless of nationalities. Candidates who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievements and potentials in independent research are encouraged to apply for full-time positions at appropriate levels. Although positions are open to all disciplines in biology and medicine, we are particularly interested in cancer biology, stem cell biology, inflammation biology, chemical biology, structural biology (esp. cryo-EM) and translational research. In addition, LSI will also recruit world-class leaders into a part-time Distinguished Fellow program.
A. Full-Time Faculty
Candidates should have an outstanding postdoctoral training record with high-impact publications and a strong potential to carry out independent and innovative research in biomedical sciences.
* Senior Investigator
Candidates should have obtained (or are expected to obtain) tenured faculty positions with a strong research background. They should have internationally-recognized contributions and proven records of leading innovative research.
*Distinguished Investigator
Candidates should be a leading scientist in the respective fields of biomedical research. Candidates are expected to build up his/her own research program that continues to lead in the world, and also have the vision to guide LSI toward international competitiveness and reputation.
a) Annual salary and benefits: ≥ 550,000 CNY (plus additional stipend) or negotiable(note: 1 CNY = 0.15 USD)
b) Relocation allowance: 1-2 million CNY (tax exempted; qualification-based) to national or provincial talent program awardees.
c) Research support funds:
1) Internal start-up support: ≥6 million CNY or negotiable (depending on needs and/or qualifications).
2) National recruitment fund: 2-3 million CNY to the National Talents Program awardees by the Chinese national government.
3) Sustained internal funding support will be provided after tenure promotion.
4) LSI will assist in securing other funding opportunities from the National and provincial funding organizations.
d) Housing:Chinese citizens who meet the conditions for school housing purchase are eligible to own a significantly subsidized apartment (~140 m2 or larger) in the university housing; Other faculty who meet the conditions for school housing purchase can also purchase limited-price commercial housing or receive housing subsidies.
e)Enrollment of Postgraduates:The University will give priority support.
f) Postdoctoral fellowship is generously provided by the university, the institute and the mentor to qualified candidates with an annual salary of 300,000 CNY or more.
Application Materials:
1. A full CV including education background, research experiences, a list of publications and funding record;
2. A future research plan;
3. Supporting materials for academic achievements (such as copies of representative publications);
4. At least three letters of recommendation submitted directly by the referees.
All materials should be sent to: ls*@zj*.cn.
B. Part-Time Scholar (Distinguished Fellow)
We are establishing a PI mentor program to recruit world-class leaders in biomedical sciences as Distinguished Fellows working part-time in LSI. Fellows may be entitled as national endowed professors. Fellows will serve as mentors guiding individual junior faculty in their research direction and career development. Fellows should also advise on the overall development of LSI. Fellows may build his/her own research group in the Institute. We will provide attractive stipends, subsidized housing, start-up research funds and lab spaces. For details, please send inquiries to ls*@zj*.cn.
Life Sciences Institute
Zhejiang University
866 Yuhangtang Road
Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 310058, China
Web page: or
Email: ls*@zj*.cn
Phone: 86-571-88206016
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