Faculty Positions at Wenzhou-Kean University

Wenzhou-Kean University

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In order to further implement the strategy of strengthening the university with talents, attract and select high-level “innovative and entrepreneurial talents” globally, strengthen the scientific research strength and discipline development of our university, and accelerate the construction of an international university with world-class education and scientific research, this recruitment announcement is issued in accordance with the ” Wenzhou-Kean University Regulations on the acquisition of “Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents”High-Achieving Talents.


  1. About Wenzhou-Kean University

Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU) is a province-state friendship project between the Zhejiang Province and New Jersey in the United States. It is a Chinese-American jointly established higher education institution with independent legal person status and limited liabilities. On November 16th, 2011, the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (MOE) approved the application of preparation on establishing Wenzhou-Kean University that was cooperatively run by Wenzhou University and Kean University USA. On March 31st, 2014, the MOE announced the approval of the establishment of Wenzhou-Kean University.

Now it has a student population of about 2800 and around 1600 students have graduated from this university in last five years. Among all the graduates,43% are accepted by QS top 50 universities. Currently, there are around 340 faculty and staff including one Russian Foreigner A Academician of National Academies of Engineering, one winner of Zhejiang Province “Westlake Friendship” Award, 140 faculty members , and most of them obtain international teaching experience and Doctoral degree. Covering an area of 494 acres in land planning, the university comprises four colleges–College of Business and Public Management, College of Architecture and Design, College of Liberal Arts and College of Science and Technology, and offers 18 undergraduate programs with six disciplines, namely, economics, science, engineering, literature, management and art, and 5 master programs and 1 doctoral programs. Another 3 master programs and 2 doctoral programs are coming forth.

  1. Hiring objectives and conditions

“Innovative and entrepreneurial talents” refer to the high-level talents who are mainly engaged in scientific research and innovation, driving the development of disciplines, and enhancing the reputation of the university, including top talents, leading talents, discipline leaders and academic leaders.

We are hiring talents from 7 areas as listed: Psychology, computer science, biology, chemistry, mathematics, architecture and management.

The conditions are as follows: (hereinafter referred to as “state” refers to China, and “province” refers to Zhejiang Province, and “City” refers to Wenzhou City.

  1. Coverage and conditions

“Innovative and entrepreneurial talents” refer to the high-level talents who are mainly engaged in scientific research and innovation, driving the development of disciplines and enhancing the reputation of the university, including top talents, leading talents, discipline leaders and academic leaders. The conditions are as follows: (hereinafter referred to as “state” refers to China, and “province” refers to Zhejiang Province, and “City” refers to Wenzhou City.

1 Top talent: Winners of Nobel Prize, Turing Prize, Fields Prize, Pritzker Prize and other international awards; Winner of the highest national science and Technology Award; Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering; Academician of National Academies of Science or Engineering in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Russia, etc.; Member of academic department and honorary member of academic department of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Winner of the national innovation prize; Selected by provincial “Kunpeng Plan”; Equivalent to the above-mentioned level of top talents.

2 Leading talents: Selected by National Talent Attracting Plan; Winner of National Fund for Distinguished Youth; Winner of He Liang He Li Science and Technology Award; Winner of China Youth Science and Technology Award, winner of China Young Female Scientist Award; Winner of Chinese “Friendship Award”; The first prize winners of National Natural Science Award, National Technological Invention Award and National Science and Technology Progress Award (top three); Academicians from Italy, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, India, Ukraine, Israel, etc.; Winner of the National Innovation Competition Award; Provincial special experts; Zhejiang science and Technology Award winner; Equivalent to the above-mentioned level of leading talents.

3 Subject leaders: Obtaining Senior professional title, doctoral degree or doctoral supervisor qualification; Having the studying or working experience of in famous universities in China or abroad with high academic reputation in related disciplines, a strong spirit of unity and cooperation and the ability of academic organization and management; be able to lead the existing academic team to carry out high-level discipline construction and academic activities. In addition, one of the following conditions should be met: Winner of National Excellent Youth Fund; Selected by Provincial Talent Attraction Plan; Winner of the Outstanding Youth Fund of the Provincial Natural Science Foundation; Winner of Provincial Youth Science and Technology Award; Leader of Provincial Leading Innovation And Entrepreneurship Team; Winner of “West Lake Friendship Award”, The Provincial “Overseas Engineer”, Provincial “Qianjiang Scholar” Distinguished Professor, and the expert enjoying the special allowance of the State Council; The first level personnel of the provincial “151” talent project; The first prize winner of Provincial Natural Science Award, Technological Invention Award and Scientific and Technological Progress Award, and the second prize winner of national similar awards (top three);Outstanding talents of the city’s Special Support Plan; Equivalent to the above-mentioned level of subject leaders.

4 Academic leaders: Obtaining a Senior professional title, Master’s degree or above, or a Deputy Senior professional title with Doctor’s degree; Having high academic achievements and reputation in the field of this discipline and the ability to act as the leader of academic. In addition, one of the following conditions should be met: The city “Special Support Plan” leading talents, young top-notch talents; Winner of the Long-Term Innovation Project of “Global Elite Attraction Plan”; The first level personnel of the city “551 talent Project”; The second level personnel of provincial “151” Talent Project; The second prize winner of the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award (top three); Main designer of national famous design award; Equivalent to the above-mentioned level of academic leaders.

  1. Compensation and benefit package
  • Full time acquisition
Talent level Salary

(10,000 yuan / year)

Research start-up funds (10,000 yuan) Relocation

(10,000 yuan)

Housing or house purchasing subsidy
Top Talent An annual salary of no less than 1.5 million yuan.

Case by case.

Leading talents 100-150 300+ 30 140㎡ housing or 3 million yuan housing subsidy
Discipline leader 70-120 50-300 20 120-140㎡ housing or 1.8 million yuan housing subsidy
Academic leaders 50-100 30-100 15 90-120㎡ housing or 1.2 million yuan housing subsidy
  • Flexible acquisition
Type Special allowance

(10000 yuan / year)

Research start-up funds (10000 yuan) Scientific research achievements Other
The ownership of scientific research achievements belongs to Wenzhou-Kean University, and the scientific research awards are paid in full according to the relevant measures of the University Provide accommodation and round trip expenses

Flexible Acquisition

20-30 To be discussed
  • Further explanation

Talent could only choose one from Housing or housing subsidies. Housing is generally allocated for talents, and the part exceeding the area provided is purchased by the talents according to the market price at the time of real estate property right transfer. During the first employment period of five years, the university will pay 10% – 15% of the total amount every year according to the specific situation. After completing the target tasks and passing the assessment in the first employment period, the university will pay the remaining housing subsidy in one time. Before the talent owns his/her house or the subsidy for house purchase is not paid in full, the university shall provide accommodation, or him/her rents the house by himself/herself, and the amount of rent reimbursement shall be determined according to the specific situation.

  1. Hiring procedure
  • Application

Application is available until the position is filled. Applicant send the materials to ta****@wk*.cn, including but not limited to:

  • Personal basic information and work experience.
  • Education background, degree, professional and technical qualification certificate and appointment letter from previous employer.
  • 2-3 Peer recommendation letters or external reviews from scientific research achievements in the discipline. The recommendation letter should not come from the candidate’s relatives, graduate tutors, students or co-authors.
  • Scientific research projects, awards and patents.
  • 2-4 full text of the representative papers (works) with the cover and catalogue of the published magazines.
  • Reports of papers indexed by SCI, EI, SSCI, CSSCI and cited.
  • Screen and negotiation

the Office of The Leading Group of “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” will lead the material screening and establishment of the search committee to analyzes the ability of the candidate, demonstrates the necessity of the acquisition, and puts forward a preliminary acquisition package and negotiation with talent with the approval of Leading Group of “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” for review and approval, until both parties reach to agreement.

  • Publicity of final adjudication and follow-up procedures

The proposed talents shall be publicized for at least 5 working days. If there is no objection in the publicity, relevant procedures shall be handled and employment agreement or contract (including full-time employment contract, double employment agreement, flexible acquisition agreement, etc.) shall be signed. The first employment period is generally 5 years. Those who retains or gives status treatment to the staff of institutions in the acquisition of talents shall report to the relevant competent department for approval before going through the acquisition procedures.

For those who are top talent, flexible talent or talent in urgent need, the procedure will take the principle as “simply and flexible” accordingly.

  1. Contact

Address: Office of Human Resources, A215 Training Building, 88 Daxue Road, Ouhai District, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China.

Telephone: +86-0577-55870225

Email: ce******@wk*.cn

Contact: Ms. Cen











(三)学科带头人:具有正高职称、博士学位或博士生导师资格;一般应具有国内外著名大学学习或工作的经历,在国内外相关学科具有较高的学术声誉,具有很强的团结协作精神和学术组织管理能力,能统领现有学术队伍开展高层次的学科建设工作和学术活动。同时还需满足以下条件之一: 国家优秀青年基金获得者;省级引才计划入选者;省自然科学基金杰出青年基金获得者;省青年科技奖获得者;省领军型创新创业团队负责人;省“西湖友谊奖”获得者、省“海外工程师”、省“钱江学者”特聘教授、享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家;省“151”人才工程第一层次人员;省级自然科学奖、技术发明奖、科学技术进步奖一等奖获得者,国家级同类奖项二等奖获得者(前三位完成人);市“特支计划”杰出人才;相当于上述层次的学科带头人;




人才层次 薪酬








顶尖人才 不低于150万元的年薪,具体一人一议
领军人才 100-150 300+ 30 140㎡的住房或300万元购房补贴
学科带头人 70-120 50-300 20 120-140㎡的住房或180万元购房补贴
学术带头人 50-100 30-100 15 90-120㎡的住房或120万元购房补贴


类型 特殊津贴




科研成果 其他
科研成果所有权属温州肯恩大学,科研奖励按学校相关办法全额发放 提供住宿和往返差旅费用


20-30 另议





















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